88 March 24, 2004 | for Strawberry Fantasy | ||
Sweet site I must say. I like your new layout better because I'm not that big a fan of pink. I don't know why everyone likes the Setox(dare I say it)Shizuka coupling. I don't like it all...no offense to all of you, you can still like them but..I'll shutup now.
87 March 24, 2004 | for Strawberry Fantasy | ||
I'm glad you're adding a yuri section. Personally, I'd like to see either Anzu x Shizuka or Isis x Shizuka. I'm honored you're going to add Bakura x Seto because of us. You really don't have to... I feel as if I was rude the last time I posted. I'll try to remember to join your Mana Fanlisting.
86 March 23, 2004 | for Strawberry Fantasy | ||
Great site! I liked the little character shrines ^_^ Out of curiosity, are you going to make anymore of them or are they just your fave characters? Anywho, keep up the great work!
85 March 22, 2004 | for Fanlisting | ||
your site is good and also layout! but actually i don't like your shizuka and seto's new layout sorry. before it was a cute layout....i wish the old shizuka and seto's layout will come back........
84 March 19, 2004 | for Strawberry Fantasy | ||
It's been a while since I looked at your site, but I really like the new layout. I saw that you added a few more couples since last time. I'm a big fan of Bakura x Ryou. I saw on an earlier guestbook post that someone requested yuri couples. I agree... maybe you should put one or two up there instead of just your favorite couples. Just a suggestion. Personally, I don't like Bakura x Anzu at all, but I still make an attempt to update it every once in a while. Hope you get that Mana Fanlisting up soon, I just might join it. She's one of the few girl characters I like on the show. And you're making an Atemu x Priest Fanlisting? I had no idea you liked that couple so much. Good to see more yaoi content. *waves Baku x Seto flag* Lmao, keep up the good work. Forgive the long post.
83 March 2, 2004 | for Strawberry Fantasy | ||
Wowers, love your new layout. I can *finally* see it. I've always had problems going to this site. Everytime I visit, my computer freezes but I kept trying anyway. GOOD SITE!! ![]()
82 February 28, 2004 | for Strawberry Fantasy | ||
Weeee!! ![]() ![]()
81 February 26, 2004 | for Strawberry Fantasy | ||
*sings* You fixed it, you fixed it, you fixed it... The main page looks great, Annie. How long did it take you to do? Me, I would have been at a loss LOL... ![]()
80 February 22, 2004 | for Strawberry Fantasy | ||
Ohh I love this layout so much. It's very pretty. Also about that comment that person left. I think if the criticism was helpful like saying where the site went wrong, then fair enough but when you get stupid little, this sites sucks comments it is annoying! Not to mention it kinda hurts seeing that it takes forever to build a site, not to mention doing the content and layouts. Anyway, Annie your layout rocks though since i have 1024x768 the main bit cuts into the navigation but still it looks great ::hugs::
79 February 21, 2004 | for Strawberry Fantasy | ||
GREAT NEW LAYOUT!!!! And thanks a billion for letting me use your old one! Your a GREAT friend!!! Your site rocks and don't listen to flamers and other sorts of dumb beings! No offence^^