For the domain’s 15th anniversary, I wanted a dreamy and romantic theme and chose to feature my favorite angsty love triangle: Kaname, Yuuki, and Zero from the anime series Vampire Knight ♥ The network name Lovely♥Romance Network was inspired from a Hino Matsuri work, and it was about time I featured one of her series on this domain ♪

Content: Updated and rewrote each page of my domain
Network: Revamped and reorganized my Fansites page

I am proud to present my shiny new domain, Lightning.nu, named after the fierce goddess from Final Fantasy XIII ♥ I’m hoping to get the domain up by spring, and it will serve as my new main domain, to replace cradle-robber.net.
Favicon: I customized the crystal rose originally made for the fanlisting :3
Buttons: Made 8 new 88×31 link back buttons.

Over the last two weeks, I’ve been slowly moving in the network pages with Final Fantasy-themed revamps ♪

Contact: Features my game OTP, the beautiful Squall & Rinoa from FFVIII, in a soft and romantic theme ♥

Guestbook: Features my current love, the handsome and mature Hope from FFXIII-2, in a dreamy theme ♥

404 Page: And in case you ever get lost, the dangerously sexy Noctis from FFXIII Versus will lead you on to the right path ♥

Overture: Decided to keep the current Corda design.

Linkage: Decided to keep the current Air design.

Network: Move out the network pages and convert back to being a dedicated anime collective ♥
Buttons: Made 8 new 88×31 link back buttons.

Favicon: It is now a cute pink heart to match the domain name :3


Now that Ichigo.nu is officially the main domain of my network, I rewrote most of the content on the domain.
Index: New introduction paragraph (taken from my former domain XD).
Domain: Completely rewrote the History section.
Domain: Made a few edits in the Domain Name section.
Network: Reorganized the entire section~
    . Got rid of the Online section.
    . Will be launching a bigger and better Fansite section in the near future :3
    . Network: Created this new page, which shows an overview of my network.
    . Closed: Moved in the Hiatus section and added my two former domains.

Network: Move in the Guestbook, Contact and Exit page.
– Also move in my baby, Strawberry Fantasy: a Yuugiou Shrine

Start the painful task of removing all links to Cradle-Robber.net on all fanlistings. Currently, 23/37 fanlistings have been updated.

KareKano: Arima & Miyazawa:
Content: Recode the entire site.
Content: Pretty new code page.
Coding: Updated the stylesheet.

Morning Musume:
Content: Update the site to reflect Risa’s upcoming graduation.
Discography: Added information on recent releases.

The Lovely♥Romance Network:
I’ve decided that I will not renew my personal domain, Cradle-Robber.net, and plan to let it expire in April 2012. It was my very first domain from 2004, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. However, it’s time to move on from that domain so I will turn Ichigo.nu into my main domain for the time being.

I am hoping to get another domain, so I am in the process of finding the perfect domain name X3 I’m not really in a rush, but I would like to get one in the next few months. Look forward to it~ ♪

Network: Move in the Overture Updates Log.

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